Ready to unlock your full potential?
Create a clear vision for yourself and your personal and professional life
Reconnect with your inner power and resourcefulness
Gain a solution-oriented thinking partner and create the right conditions for solutions to emerge
​Enter a relaxed state through mindfulness practices
Discover the right action to take in any situation and create an action plan you’ll be inspired to accomplish.
Regain trust in yourself and nurture self-love and acceptance
Selecting your package
Whether you’re coaching with me for a single session, or on an ongoing basis you can always expect me to uphold the highest standards of coaching, and to partnering with you for your breakthrough!
With this realization, I felt a weight lifted!"
"Making big decisions and changes in your life can be hard. Recently, I tried approaching this by asking for help from Olga. I found it so helpful to be able to talk openly about the struggles I was facing in making a decision. During our sessions, we identified actions I could take to help create clarity around my decision."
Erika, Brand & Product Photographer
True stories of Life coaching success
Lee: Ongoing coaching sessions (over 6 months).
“I’m not happy with where I am in my life, and I don’t know where to start to make things better.”
Li felt that she had achieved a lot in her life, and although on the outside it seemed like she was doing well in reality she lost the spark for life that she once felt. As I do with all my clients, we started by doing an assessment of all the major areas of her life, such as work, family, self-care, growth, education, etc. Once we got the pulse of each area we started working on them one by one, improving the quality of her life experience one little fraction at a time. Over time, as she had taken strategic steps for improvement a new picture of her life started to emerge, and eventually, she looked at her life and was way more pleased with what was in front of her. Although there is more work to do, she found a new sense of ease, inner peace, and acceptance in her life. Instead of constantly feeling frustrated she can work on the things that bother her while still enjoying her day-to-day life experience,
Samantha: Single Laser Coaching Session.
“My house is a mess and I just can’t get myself to clean it!”
Nancy was bothered by the fact that her home was constantly a mess. She tried many things like: block off time in her calendar for the task, tell a friend that she was going to do it to keep her accountable, set alarms on her phone... but nothing seemed to work. We explored her frustrations around the topic and why it felt like a priority but in reality wasn’t. By probing further we refocused on the real issue which was how she felt completely overwhelmed by another situation in her life that was distracting her. We created a measurable and achievable to her action plan to address the real issue and by the end, she knew that she had the time, space, and energy not only to resolve it but to finally clean up her place!
Life Coaching FAQ
What is coaching?
ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The coaching process can help you improve your outlook on work and life, while improving your leadership skills and unlocking your potential.
Why should I partner with a coach?
If you want to take advantage of an opportunity or challenge, feel “stuck” on the path to achieving your goals, or simply believe there’s something more to discover in your personal or professional life, partnering with a professional coach could benefit you.
What are examples of goals I’d address with a coach?
Gain new insights and expand possibilities in areas of life where you feel stuck
Become more balanced in your life
Achieve goals you’ve never thought possible, personally and professionally
Optimize your inner trust, intuition, and self-worth
Gain greater trust in yourself and discover your inner resourcefulness
Learn mindfulness practices that you can easily apply to you day-to-day life
And more!
How many coaching sessions do you recommend?
As you may know, it takes time to develop new habits, gain deeper insight into our goals, dreams, and motivations, shift perspective, and take a series of new actions that will culminate into our new desired life experience. I would be careful of any coach or professional in general who promises a quick fix. I recommend a minimum of 6 months commitement.
What’s my role?
The most successful coaching partnerships begin with a client who has a clear idea of what they want to accomplish and is open to collaboration and new perspectives.
As a coaching client, your role is to:​
Create the coaching agenda based on personally meaningful goals
Assume full responsibility for your own decisions and actions
Use the coaching process to promote possibility thinking and fresh perspectives
Engage big-picture thinking and problem-solving skills
Take the tools, concepts, models, and principles provided by your coach and engage in effective forward actions
What is the different between life coaching, mentorship and consultations?
Although these 3 roles can be combined in certain situations coaching is easily confused with mentoring and consulting. A mentor is educating and supervising their mentee while offering feedback for improving a certain set of skills. A consultant is hired to impart specialized knowledge in their area of expertise. While a can certainly teach valuable skills about topics like time management, priority and goal setting, stress management, and more, the main mission of a coach is to give the space for the client to lead and take change that they wish to experience.